Sunday, January 30, 2011

Did Stevie fall and bang his head? If he did not, did I?

What has gotten into our Prime Minister?  Did he fall and bang his head? If he did not, did I? I am absolutely shocked that he would actually be training an Aboriginal woman for the role of Finance Minister.  Maybe we need to order a CT Scan or an MRI for Harper?  Quick, someone call a doctor!

At this moment in time, I am not a Conservative/Liberal/NDP follower but Harper FINALLY did something right for Aboriginal women for a change.  He removed MP Shelly Glover (a Métis woman) as Parliamentary Secretary for Indian Affairs Minister John Duncan and appointed her the parliamentary secretary for Finance Minister Flaherty.

Good boy Stevie!  Good boy! It is a good thing that you are not my integrity watchdog, otherwise, I would have to throw you a bone:)) LOL 

Here's the article:

Friday, January 28, 2011

Harper's actions speak louder than words

According to CTV News, Harper was in Morocco where he announced Canada’s support for Morocco's education system. "Canada will support the North African nation's education system by bolstering two reform projects.  Canada will back an initiative to improve basic education for boys and girls by training 9,000 school principals in effective ways to make schools more responsive and accountable to local needs."

"Canada will also lend its help to a program that aims to boost the employment rate of graduates from skills training programs from 55 per cent to 75 per cent."

"Canada's support will secure a better future for Morocco's children and youth and strengthen sustainable economic growth in the country," said a statement from the Prime Minister's Office." The news article can be found at this link:

Hmm...has anyone told Harper lately that he should take a look in his backyard before he announces his good deeds to the world?  If not... Harper, take a look in your own backyard!!!  The First Nations education system in Canada is severely underfunded and our children are suffering as a result.  Harper refuses to address First Nations education in Canada in consultation with First Nations people at the grassroots level but he will support the education of people in other countries who are in need of social and economic development.  I am all for supporting other countries who need our assistance; however, Harper should also be investing in the education of First Nations children in Canada. 

The federal government of Canada underfunds education for First Nations children in Canada by approximately 20% - 40% in comparison to provincial education funds provided for non-Aboriginal children. First Nations children in Canada live in poverty (third world conditions) and need an adequate education to rise above poverty.  Numerous reports, like the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, have stated these facts. 

The former Prime Minister Paul Martin and his sidekick, the former National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), Phil Fontaine advised a student body at Ryerson University on January 25, 2011 that the First Nations education system was underfunded by 20-40%.  Why Paul Martin and Phil Fontaine did not do something about our children’s poor education system and governance systems when they were in office is beyond me. Why are they discussing governance and education now?   Here is the article where Martin and Fontaine were quoted: 

I am not a fan of Harper but Paul Martin and Phil Fontaine, discussing Canada's inactions on First Nations education issues is like the “pot calling the kettle black”.  The grassroots people are slowly getting more educated and the more educated we get, the more we will start speaking up about their “Aboriginal” initiatives when they were in office.  Paul Martin and Phil Fontaine did absolutely nothing for us as a collective when they were in office except make the Aboriginal industry richer through their initiatives like the Kelowna Accord.  Like Harper, they had the opportunity to address the education and poverty of First Nations and did nothing.
The Kelowna Accord is nothing but a waste of the taxpayers’ money.  The Kelowna Accord is a bunch of promises to promise to negotiate.  That is it and nothing more.  There is nothing in the Kelowna Accord to implement.  It would take millions of dollars and several national roundtables over several years to actually figure out how to implement that one-size-fits-all initiative.  It would never work because all First Nations are different.  It would be like trying to fit one million people into a box of cereal.  Of course, the millions of dollars to implement the Kelowna Accord would have to be given to the Office of the National Chief of the AFN who would then “co-ordinate” the national roundtables and give some of the money to the Aboriginal industry to figure out how to implement the Accord.  The grassroots people in the meantime would not see any of this money and continue to live in poverty as they are now.  The status quo would remain.  Same old...same old...blah...blah...blah...”and the wheels on the bus go round and round...round and round...round and round”.

Why is Harper not investing the funds to address this 20-40% gap in First Nations education funding?  The answer is simple:  he wants to assimilate First Nations people and the logical way to accomplish this goal is to underfund services and programs for First Nations so that First Nations families will have no choice but to leave their homes and culture behind and move to the city if they want their children to receive adequate services.  Harper is effectively accomplishing his goal of assimilation.  First Nations families are moving to the city and the urban Aboriginal population is increasing every year.  If we do not stand up and do something about it as a collective, First Nations people will become a chapter in the history books where we will be known as a society that once existed. 

Harper refuses to invest funds into First Nations education even though we all know that he should be increasing our education funding by 20-40%.  All he and the National Chief of the AFN have planned for our children is to parade a panel of experts in education around the country to re-examine what we already know. In the meantime, our children are still not receiving adequate education services in comparison to non-aboriginal children in provincial schools.  I guess as long as the financial needs of the Aboriginal industry are being met, the needs of our children are of no concern.

The logical solution, in my personal political opinion, is for Harper to do the following:

1)  Immediately increase the funding for First Nations education by 20-40% so that our children receive better education services.  Put your money where your mouth is!

2)  Do not reinvent the wheel.  Use the education reports that have already been prepared and just do it. 

3) Use many panels of experts/teachers/parents to implement those reports.  Six months is an unreasonable timeframe for one panel of experts to adequately examine the education system of 630 First Nations communities.

4)  Address all of the issues of poverty in First Nations using a wholistic approach. Stop using the piecemeal approach that is taking place by the federal government thus far. The saying “you can’t have one without the other” is true.

As a side note:  Paul Martin did nothing for us when he was Prime Minister and there is not any amount of public speaking events that can make up for the tremendous amount of disservice that he did to our people when he was Prime Minister.  I might even do my doctorate in law on his re-victimization of First Nations people when he was Prime Minister of Canada. 


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Harper supports ONE non-Aboriginal woman and does nothing for Aboriginal women

Prime Minister Harper is asking Mexico to investigate rape allegations made by a Canadian woman who was on vacation in Mexico.  According to, “Ottawa said it expected a “thorough and transparent investigation” by Mexican authorities into allegations that a Canadian social worker was gang-raped in jail by Mexican police.  “We have asked the Mexican ambassador not only to look at (this case) but we’ve asked him to set an inquiry in place,” Foreign Affairs Minister Lawrence Cannon said Tuesday. “We take these allegations very seriously.” 
My thoughts are with this Canadian woman and I hope that her allegations are dealt with appropriately and that she gets the necessary support to overcome the trauma.  Not one woman should have to endure such violence.
The rest of this blog is not meant to disrespect this Canadian woman who allegedly suffered severe trauma while on vacation. It is meant to show the PRIME MINISTER of CANADA, Stephen Harper, that he discriminates against all Aboriginal women in Canada and that he should be ashamed of himself for not providing Aboriginal women with the same support as this non-Aboriginal woman.
I am very happy to see that Foreign Affairs is supporting this Canadian woman; however, every woman in Canada, including Aboriginal women, should have the support of her Prime Minister during times of violence, such as murder, rape, loss of culture and identity, cultural genocide, and assault.  It is a disgrace that Aboriginal women do not have the support of the Prime Minister of Canada when acts of violence are committed against them.
Why is it that Harper will support ONE non-Aboriginal woman who is alleging rape and ignore the cries of all Aboriginal women in Canada who are asking Harper to investigate violence committed against all Aboriginal women in Canada?  Aboriginal women in Canada have been publically crying out for Harper to hold a national inquiry into missing and murdered Aboriginal women.  Harper has ignored our cries yet he will order Foreign Affairs to call on Mexico to hold an inquiry into the rape allegations of one woman. 
Something is wrong with this picture.  Harper clearly does not like Aboriginal women for some reason and does not think we are worthy enough for his attention; otherwise, we would be given the same protection and support as the one non-Aboriginal woman who suffered trauma while on vacation. 
Harper, you know full well that every type of person has beaten and raped (and murdered) our Aboriginal women over the years. They have been raped by police officers, church officials, teachers, government officials, and non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal men, professional and not.  Aboriginal women are still being exploited today.  Aboriginal women also do not have adequate supports in place to help them deal with trauma.  What have you done for Aboriginal women? 
Prime Minister Harper, take a look in your own backyard before you call upon others to change their actions.  We wish that you would take our “allegations very seriously”.
Here is the link for article:

Monday, January 17, 2011

Stars align for aboriginal education - Winnipeg Free Press

Stars align for aboriginal education - Winnipeg Free Press

Give me a break.  Does the Minister of Indian Affairs, John Duncan, and his sidekick, the "National Chief" of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) expect us to believe that the two of them are actually serious about the education of our people? 

An expert panel on education is not going to tell us anything that we have not heard already.  The only people who will benefit from your expert panel will be the experts sitting on it and the Office of the National Chief.  Same old, Same old.  Do us a favour.  Just write the check and give it to the expert panel and the Office of the National Chief right now. Get your farce over and done with so we can move onto the next one that comes out of your Department.

Why do not you both prove me wrong?  Put your money where your mouth is and actually do something for a change!!

Duncan, let us see you actually invest money into First Nations education instead of parading around the country like you care. 

National Chief Atleo, do not be a hypocrite and show us, for once, that you can actually take a position and stand by it. In spring 2010, you publically denounced Bill C-3, an Act to remedy gender inequity in the Indian Act, the "status" provisions, and in the fall of 2010, you turned your back on all Aboriginal women and supported Bill C-3 without asking any of us what we wanted.  Let us remind you that your job is to represent First Nations people, not the federal government!

National Chief Atleo, do not follow in the footsteps of your predecessor.  I know you have the ability to lead.  Show the world how a REAL National Chief advocates for his people.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Matthew Coon Come - Former "National Chief" of the Assembly of First Nations

Matthew Coon Come was the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) from 2000-2003.  He was the National Chief during a time of crisis for First Nations in Canada.  Prime Minister Chretien introduced the First Nations Governance Act (FNGA) in June 2002. It was to be the new "Indian Act".  First Nations were angered by this colonial act that was being imposed upon them without consultation, and rightfully so.  First Nations have the right to self-government on ALL matters pertaining to their interests despite what Parliament tells us and mainstream society.

Matthew Coon Come vigorously resisted the imposition of the FNGA and we should all be proud of the way he defended our right to self-government. NO other "National Chief" of the AFN has done this except during the crisis of the 1969 White Paper.  Kudos to Matthew Coon Come and the leaders during the 1969 White Paper crisis for you people are the REAL "elite" Aboriginal leaders who have the ability to think collectively and in the best interests of First Nations people.  You fought for our rights and you did not screw us over!

People come and go for a purpose and they may stick around for a few months or a few years depending on the purpose.  Matthew Coon Come was elected National Chief because he had a purpose in life: to resist the new Indian Act, the FNGA.  No other Aboriginal leader at the national level had the ability to defeat the FNGA. If any other "elite" Aboriginal leader had been elected National Chief, we would all be living under the FNGA today. 

The AFN had their budget cut in half during this crisis and that budget was never restored. I do know this:  Matthew Coon Come was not to blame.  Do not blame him because you do not know what really took place politically behind the scenes during this crisis.  As far as we know, an "Apple" (brown skin but white underneath) politician may have told the Prime Minister to cut the AFN budget.  Did not Nelson Mandela tell his people to be wary of the puppets who claim to speak for them?  The same principle applies to First Nations.  We will never know what took place behind the scenes so do not blame Matthew Coon Come.

Suffice to say:  Matthew Coon Come did an excellent job during his time as National Chief and he is a real ELITE leader.  He is a collectively-minded First Nations leader and a prime example of what the "National Chief" of the Assembly of First Nations should be doing in that role:  defending our rights and not selling us out.  He did his job and left.  Unfortunately for us, the grassroots people, other "National Chiefs" did not do the same.


Phil Fontaine - The Former "National Chief" of the Assembly of First Nations

Phil Fontaine was the "National Chief" of the Assembly of First Nations for three terms or nine (9) years. 

I once heard Phil Fontaine speak where he advised a group of First Nations people, including myself, to use "diplomacy" when we speak.  However, I did not hear him say the word "ethics" or "ethical". To me, the words "diplomacy" and "ethics" or "ethical" flow hand-in-hand and should always be used together.  Would not any reasonable person agree?

According to wikipedia, Diplomacy is the art and practice of conducting negotiations between representatives of groups or states. It usually refers to international diplomacy, the conduct of international relations through the intercession of professional diplomats with regard to issues of peace-making, trade, war, economics, culture, environment and human rights.

According to wikipedia, "Ethics, also known as moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that addresses questions about morality—that is, concepts such as good and evil, right and wrong, virtue and vice, justice, etc."

To me, when negotiating an agreement, the representative of a group would want to conduct those negotiations diplomatically and ethically.

I wonder what Phil Fontaine's interpretation of "ethics" or "ethical" is?   I wonder what Phil Fontaine would think of an Aboriginal leader who gave his spouse/girlfriend the lead on an important contract?  Would Phil Fontaine agree that this would not be ethical? What do you think?

I think Peter Mansbridge should invite Phil Fontaine for an interview to get Phil Fontaine's take on ethics and diplomacy.

Friday, January 14, 2011

CBC News - Manitoba - Aboriginal women more likely victimized: Stats Can

A federal commission is travelling across Canada to examine violence against Aboriginal women. Please hold a session in Ottawa as I have a few opinions that I would like to put on the record!!

Violence is more than a punch in the face. It includes the denial of culture and identity. It also includes turning your back on Aboriginal women when they need you the most, and then hypocritically portraying to the public that you actually care about these women when you know that federal funding is around the corner.

Aboriginal women are more likely victimized than non-Aboriginal women because of the federal government's role in stripping Aboriginal women of their rights to participate as full members in their communities and through the violence inflicted upon Aboriginal people (male and female) in residential schools. Lateral violence is an intergenerational impact of the abuse inflicted upon First Nations people in residential schools.

Aboriginal women, including professional Aboriginal women, are also victimized. Even highly educated and professional Aboriginal women inflict lateral violence upon their female peers. This, too, is a result of the stripping of rights from Aboriginal women and their children through the Indian Act and residential school system.

Aboriginal women, including professional women, are victimized by Aboriginal women and men, and non-Aboriginal women and men (professional and not). Not one person is not guilty of victimizing Aboriginal women.

The elite Aboriginal leaders, through their oppression of all First Nations people, are just as much to blame as the Department of Indian Affairs for the victimization of Aboriginal women. Take responsibility for your actions. The National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations sold out Aboriginal women by supporting Bill C-3 in December 2010. Even the Quebec Native Women's Association sold out Aboriginal women by supporting Bill C-3. Supporting Bill C-3 was an act of lateral violence. Before you portray that you actually care about women, acknowledge your oppressive role in today's culture.

CBC News - Manitoba - Aboriginal women more likely victimized: Stats Can

What the wikileaks says about the Minister and Indians (funny but not true)

The Minister of Indian Affairs, John Duncan, likes to think he has "control" over his "Indians".  He does not! We have a right to speak under section 2 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms people.  We can poke fun at him, a politician, especially when he unilaterally makes decisions on our behalf.   

Minister Duncan was so bothered that "Indians" were making fun of him and his department through a blog called, "What the wikileaks says about the Minister and Indians" that he requested it be taken down.  The Regina LeaderPost and First Perspective complied with his request.

I scanned a copy of the First Perspective article and it is also on the APTN website at the following link:

Enjoy the blog. It is funny but not true.  It is meant to be satire.  Smarten up Duncan and invest in First Nations communities so that they can rebuild their communities after your Department's attempts,which are ongoing today, to destroy us. Colonization is not over people. It is still ongoing.

Written by Administrator   
Friday, 07 January 2011 09:44
By Obidiah - Investigative Reporter

Thanks to the Wikileaks by that fellow, Julian Assange, First Nations of Canada can now glimpse the workings of the Minister's mind and find out what the department is really up to. The data was found in the bottom of the digital pile, as it were, and your intrepid journalist, went right to work on it and I have this report for you.

John Duncan keeps a diary! Yes. He likes his job as a parliamentarian. But he'd just rather not be in charge of "Indians". He can't imagine a worse fate than being a white man whose full time job is to have human feelings and thoughts but be constantly on guard against blurting them out at the most inopportune time. The following entries reveal some of the trials and tribulations which the Minister must endure as the travels from meeting to meet ing ministering to his charges throughout the far flung regions of Canada.

1. Aug. 9, 2010 [The day after Stephen Harper appoints him Minister of Indian Affairs.]
"Thirteen years in parliament and this is what I get? In charge of Indians? Jeepers Creepers!
It was bad enough being secretary under Strahl, now I gotta suck up to all those chiefs...Some of whom make a hell of lot more than I'm gonna make on this job..."
2. Sept. 10, 2010
"The annual pow wow at Black Sun Dog is coming up. I really don't look forward to sitting cross legged for an hour. And that passing the pipe thing, And I'm always the last to smoke it. In this day, should we be encouraging that?"
3. Sept. 30, 2010
"Sometimes I wish we could cut out the praying and just get down to business? Guys?"
4. Oct. 1, 2010
"On the other hand, there's a lot to be said - and appreciated - in the arts and ceremonials of our First Nations people. I especially like the smoke salmon, the masks, and the moccasins."
5. Oct.. 15, 2010
"The raw clam I had on the marina at was bad enough! This week I'm invited to Chisasibi where I hear the delicacy is fish guts soup! God help me and my liver."
6. Oct. 18, 2010
"I must make sure I send a gift of tobacco to that grand chief in Manitoba before going to their assembly. He thinks volume and belligerence in diplomacy substitutes well for reason. Not that reason is all that relevant to the Department...The Department. I have my work cut out."
7. Nov. 1, 2010
"To think that these people survived the prairie winters in Tipis. Now we have a housing crisis, lack of drinking water and no infrastructure on many reserves. And I'm supposed to have the answers."
8. Nov. 10, 2010
"Chretien and Trudeau had it right in the 69 white paper. The only hope for them is assimilation into the mainstream culture. And the gradual decline of numbers residing on reserves. I mean, what hope is there for a community on the Hudson Bay? With not even a road in? And polar bears! These communities have to be encouraged to migrate to centres that are their only hope for a better future. If only the Supreme court judges could be educated on the big picture and get it right!
9. Dec. 13, 2010
La Barriere Lake. What was I to do? I was damned if I did and damned if I didn't. Well, at least it's a change. There's always the option of another change in the future if these people can't work it out. That's why I'm here after all. I AM the Minister. Difficult decisions must be made. Churchill made difficult decisions. Come to think of it, Chretien was a Minister of Indians and he climbed to the top. All may not be lost yet..."
10. Dec. 15, 2010
"But I agree the strategy should be increasing avenues for municipal status through tax reforms, and funding arrangements that are geared to Departmental goals of limited "self-government" based on principles of "accountability and transparency". We can achieve all of this administratively, without the need for high profile amendments and consultations which are likely to be stir up allegations of `colonialism` etc..``

Well, there you go folks. You heard it all here first.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I scanned a copy of the Top 10 Wikileaks of Minister Duncan!

Duncan can't shut me up!!  Will post the document as soon as I figure out how to upload it.

WhatsaMatta Minister Duncan??

Too funny!  What did I tell you folks?  Our FATHER, the one and only Minister of Indian Affairs, Mr. John Duncan has once again denied us the right to speak under section 2 of the Charter of the Rights and Freedoms.

Minister Duncan had the blog, "Top 10 Wiki Leaks from Minister of Indian Affairs, Minister John Duncan (Funny but not true)..., removed from the Leader Post.  This was the statement:  "At the request of Michelle Yao, Communications Director for John Duncan, the Minister of Indian Affairs, I decided to pull this story from the RezXtra blog.  Sorry guys, but this just got too much unwanted attention, okay next story..." Here's the post:

When you assumed the role of "father" by virtue of the "Indian Act", didn't you know that you were inheriting some unruly children! You're not going to ground me for being unruly, are you?  Does this mean that you won't appoint me to the Senate or the First Nations Tax Commission so that I, too, can earn a big whopping $200K, which may possibly be tax-free? 

Does this mean that you will not let my children become "Indians"? LOL "Oh how I want to be free. Oh how I want to be free. Oh how I want to break free". Enjoy "I want to break free" by Queen:
Ok, I won't make fun of you anymore...for awhile:)) 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Minister Duncan - I Want to Break Free

Minister Duncan, if you are going to unilaterally assume the role of my “father”, please take some parenting classes.  It is 2011 and most fathers allow their children to speak these days. Why won’t you let me speak?  Why don’t you ever listen to what I have to say?  Why do you always have to tell me what to do?

“I want to break free...I want to break free...I want to break free...I want to break free from your lies. You’re so self satisfied I don't need you.  I’ve got to break free. God knows, God knows I want to break free.” “Oh how I want to be free...Oh how I want to be free...Oh how I want to break free”.  (Courtesy of Queen: I love this song!)

I found this blog by a First Nations blogger and it is absolutely hilarious.  It is only satire.  It was posted on the First Perspective website but apparently the Department of Indian Affairs requested that it be taken off the web.  Sorry, no can do Father!  Not until you register my children as status Indians under the Indian Act!   I am a s.6(2) Indian and my children are excluded from your discriminatory Bill C-3 that just received royal assent even though you completely ignored your duty to consult the people.  Why don’t you like my children?  They are cute, you know.  You would like them if you just gave them a chance.

Enjoy the blog.  It is called, “Top 10 Wiki Leaks from Minister of Indian Affairs Minister John Duncan (funny, but not true)...” 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stephen Harper and Manny Jules: Sonny and Cher!

Prime Minister Harper appointed Manny Jules as Head of the First Nations Tax Commission in 2006.  Manny Jules is earning a federal GCQ-7 salary of $190,400 – 224,000/year, which may be tax-free pursuant to section 87 of the Indian Act if the First Nations Tax Commission office is located on Manny Jules’ First Nation and if Manny is a Status Indian under the Indian Act.  Manny Jules was Chief of Kamloops Indian Band for 16 years.   The First Nations Tax Commission office is located somewhere in or near Kamloops, B.C.  The Kamloops Indian Band is somewhere in or near Kamloops.  For more information on Manny Jules, see 
Is Manny Jules a status Indian and is his whopping big salary tax-free?  Is Manny Jules advocating for the taxation of First Nations land and not paying income tax on his income? 
Quite the big coin (Manny’s salary) if it is tax-free, don’t you think??? It is quite the big coin even if Manny Jules is paying income tax.  It is quite the big coin considering that the Chair of a comparable organization, the First Nations Statistical Institute, located on Nipissing First Nation, earns a federal CEO-2 salary of $141,600 - $ 166,600/year.  This salary may also be tax-free if the Chair is a Status Indian under the Indian Act.  The salary for the Chair of the First Nations Statistical Institute can be found at  Manny Jules’ salary is listed as GCQ – 7 on the following website:
“The purposes of the First Nations Tax Commission are to: ensure the integrity of the system of first nations real property taxation and promote a common approach to first nations real property taxation nationwide, having regard to variations in provincial real property taxation systems; ensure that the real property taxation systems of first nations reconcile the interests of taxpayers with the responsibilities of chiefs and councils to govern the affairs of first nations; prevent, or provide for the timely resolution of, disputes in relation to the application of local revenue laws; assist first nations in the exercise of their jurisdiction over real property taxation on reserve lands and build capacity in first nations to administer their taxation systems; develop training programs for first nation real property tax administrators; assist first nations to achieve sustainable economic development through the generation of stable local revenues; promote a transparent first nations real property taxation regime that provides certainty to taxpayers; promote understanding of the real property taxation systems of first nations; and provide advice to the Minister regarding future development of the framework within which local revenue laws are made.”  More information on the First Nations Tax Commission and Manny’s salary can be found at their website:

Uh, Harper, did you ever think about asking the First Nations and the people what their views are on taxation? I did not think so, otherwise, you would not have developed the colonial First Nations Tax Commission, whose purpose is to provide advice to the Minister.  We, the people, will advise you on issues that affect us, not some federal Tax Commission.
Harper wants to assimilate First Nations people like every other government before him. Harper provided Manny Jules with a political appointment to the First Nations Tax Commission.  Harper likes Manny Jules and he has “got” Manny’s back from 2006-2015!! Quite the benefit bestowed upon Manny Jules.  A nine year appointment - Harper should have just appointed Manny to the Senate.
Manny Jules is currently touring to promote the “privatization of First Nations lands”. He even appeared on Stossel to promote this concept.  View the video on YouTube: 
Note to mainstream society:  do not take Manny Jules’ views as everyone’s view or as the only view regarding the status of First Nations lands.   He can speak for his own community but he does not have the authority to speak for the rest of us.  I, personally, do not agree with Manny Jules’ views as it tends to flow so nicely and hand-in-hand with Harper’s current agenda of assimilating First Nations people into mainstream society. 
We do not have to privatize our lands in order for economic development to occur in our communities.  We have a right to self-government and we can do what whatever we want with our land, including the right to develop the resources on and under that land and to make a profit from those resources.  It is our land despite what Canada and the U.S. say!!  Furthermore, we have to put ourselves in the driver’s seat!! We should not be asking or waiting for the federal governments of the U.S and Canada to put us in the driver’s seat. 
Stephen Harper and Manny Jules should remake Sonny and Cher’s 1965 duet, “I Got You Babe”.
Jules:               They say we're young and we don't know
                        We won't find out until we grow

Harper:            Well I don't know if all that's true
                        'Cause you got me, and baby I got you

Harper:            Babe

BOTH:            I got you babe
                        I got you babe

Jules:               They say our love won't pay the rent
                        Before it's earned, our money's all been spent

Harper:            I guess that's so, we don't have a pot
                        But at least I'm sure of all the things we got

Harper:            Babe

BOTH:            I got you babe
                        I got you babe

Harper:            I got flowers in the spring
                        I got you to wear my ring

Jules:               And when I'm sad, you're a clown
                       And if I get scared, you're always around
                       Don't let them say your hair's too long
                       'Cause I don't care, with you I can't go wrong

Harper:            Then put your little hand in mine
                        There ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb

Harper:            Babe
BOTH:            I got you babe
                        I got you babe

Harper:            I got you to hold my hand

Jules:               I got you to understand

Harper:            I got you to walk with me

Jules:               I got you to talk with me
                        I got you to kiss goodnight
                        I got you to hold me tight
                        I got you, I won't let go
                        I got you to love me so

BOTH:            I got you babe
                        I got you babe
                        I got you babe
                        I got you babe
                        I got you babe

Enjoy the video of Sonny and Cher singing “I Got You Babe”: