Harper is causing First Nations people a lot of grief during his quest to assimilate us. I, for one, am getting really irritated by his bully tactics and anarchistic attitude towards every policy that he undertakes to implement. I am also getting irritated at some Indigenous people who are telling those First Nations people who are speaking up against the leadership to “stop conquering and dividing the people” because it is helping Harper implement his agenda and/or reinforcing stereotypes of First Nations peoples. BULL is all I have to say! The only thing that is going to stop Harper in his tracks is for more SELFLESS First Nations people to stand up and start speaking up. If anyone is assisting Harper, it is the National Aboriginal Organizations, like AFN and CAP, by being so complacent and supporting Harper’s policies without consulting us. The only way to make change for the people is by speaking up. You have no right to tell us what to do, say or think so stop trying to silence the people.
First Nations people have a right to speak under section 2 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and we can say whatever we want, whenever we want, and to whomever we want. The Indian Act has been in place for 150 years and the people living under it have been oppressed and silenced by the federal government and their own leadership in many instances. The people have a right to participate in decision-making and a right to be consulted on issues that affect them at the community, regional, provincial, and national level. It is only when the people are allowed to speak that the socio-economic status of the community will rise. The right to speak is the first step in any healing or reconciliation process.
First Nations grassroots people are smothered under several layers of political bodies: their leadership, a tribal council, a regional body, a provincial body and then a national body, like the AFN. The people do not have a voice at most levels outside of their communities, if they even have a voice at all. I have seen one Councillor tell a few citizens to stop complaining. My response to this Councillor would be if you do not like the criticism, get out of politics. The people have a right to voice their opinions and a Chief and Council should be asking the citizens for direction. The direction should come from the community, not the leadership.
The “stop conquering and dividing the people” line is a tool of oppression by those who are often self-interested and wish to retain control. It is a line to make you feel guilty for speaking out on issues that affect you directly. Do not listen to the person who tells you this. Many of our people are so engrained in life under the Indian Act that they do not realize that the “conquer and divide” line is actually a tool for the federal government to oppress the people so that they can implement their one-size-fits-all program for First Nations people. It also helps the AFN and CAP maintain control over everyone. Yes, there are people who are so self-interested that they will do anything to gain control and will criticize everyone. We know who those people are so ignore them.
All First Nations people are different and we can no longer be forced to live under one rule when everyone has different views and opinions on life and how leadership should govern the people. We will all never agree on any issue. We know this so stop trying to keep us in one box. Let us grow and thrive instead.
Speak up people! The oppressors (Canada and some of our leaders) may become uncomfortable for a period of time at the thought of losing control but if you keep peace and good governance as the end goal, peace will eventually follow. You cannot have peace without experiencing some discomfort beforehand.
Have a great day and keep talking! If you're not talking, START!!
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