Sunday, February 13, 2011

Egyptian Military Dissolves Parliament and Suspends the Constitution!

According to the New York Times, "The Egyptian military, complying with most of the principal demands of the opposition, said Sunday that it had dissolved the country’s parliament, suspended its constitution and called for elections in six months, according to a statement by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces read on state television. It also said it would honor all of Egypt’s international agreements, including the peace treaty with Israel." The article can be found at this link:

Congratulations to the Egyptians on their quest for democracy, i.e. the right to participate in decision-making, the right to vote in free and fair elections, and the right to build accountable and transparent institutions that will hold your leaders accountable! 

I have a message for the Offices of the "National Chiefs" of the National Aboriginal Organizations (NAO's) called the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples (CAP) and the Native Women's Association of Canada (NWAC).  The following message is not intended for the Chiefs on the ground. It is a message only for the Offices of the "National Chiefs" and the one and only, Senator Patrick Brazeau, the former "National Chief" of CAP.

We, the grassroots First Nations people, are worthy and deserving of human dignity and democracy, just like the Egyptians!  We have a right to participate in decision-making on issues that affect us. You can no longer make decisions for us without asking us and advise mainstream society that you represent our interests.  You do not represent our interests. It is up to the grassroots people to decide who will represent their interests and what that representation will encompass.

It is time for the NAO's to examine the crisis in Egypt and give First Nations citizens in Canada the same dignity and respect.  We have rights, just like the Egyptians, and we deserve democracy! 

I have a message for the grassroots First Nations people, including their Chiefs:

The NAO's were created by the federal government to implement the federal government's "Indian" agenda.  The NAO's are also funded by the federal government. The "National Chiefs" of these organizations are paid by the federal government for their work and if they say "no" to a proposed federal government "Aboriginal" initiative, the federal government withholds funds from the NAO's until the NAO's agree to the initiative.  The result:  the NAO's do what they are told and sell off our rights without asking the grassroots people.  The grassroots people suffer and live in poverty due to the lack of representation provided by these NAO's and the deplorable services provided by the federal government.

The NAO's are not traditional governments nor did First Nations people govern themselves under national organizations.  The NAO's are corporate entities comprised of a Board of Directors like other corporate entities in Canada.  These NAO's also do not allow the grassroots people to vote for the "National Chiefs"  in free and fair elections nor do they allow the majority of us to participate in decision-making. Their by-laws are narrow and they exclude the grassroots people from participating in decision-making.  This is not democracy.  It is an archaic and paternalistic Indian Act regime that is in dire need of reform.  The grassroots First Nations people should be directing these NAO's, and not vice versa. The NAO's have no right to make decisions on our behalf.

It is time for change and time to start the process for repealing the Indian Act so that First Nations people can enjoy democracy.  However, the NAO's should not be guiding the process as they have never represented the grassroots people before and they will likely not do so now.  Remember, they are paid by the federal government.  The grassroots First Nations people should be guiding the process just like the grassroots Egyptians!!

Stay tuned. I will add more blogs on Indigenous governance and my own personal opinions on how the process for repealing the Indian Act should take place to ensure that democratic and accountable institutions are in place to meet the needs of First Nations people. 

All it takes is PEOPLE POWER!  The Egyptians have shown us that change is possible.


Friday, February 11, 2011

Mubarak Resigns!!

I am sharing the joy with the Egyptians as they celebrate President Mubarak's resignation from office.  I watched the crisis on television every day and prayed for the people to stay strong and united in their battle to overthrow Mubarak.

Congratulations!!  I wish that I was there to celebrate with you!

I hope that the grassroots First Nations people watched the crisis and learned that we, too, are deserving of democracy and the right to participate in decision-making on issues that affect us.  It is time for change and TIME to get rid of the Indian Act!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Harper and the Riverboat Fantasy!

Hey Stevie, is it too late to put in my order?  I have noticed that you are sending all of us down the river, so if it is not too late, could you please send me down the river on a houseboat? 

I am ready to accept this inevitable trip into “assimilation” but can I at least take it in style?

“Life for me is a riverboat fantasy
Watchin' the sun go down
A rock and roll band
With a reefer in my hand
Now look at that wheel go around
C*ca*ne kisses and moonshine Misses
That's the life for me
I'm sailing away from my heartaches
On a riverboat fantasy

Delta sun beats down like a hammer gives the low down blues
I've got a cotton gin
I'll weave and spin
And shake the dust from my shoes
I made my money
I found me a honey
To tickle me under my chin
When mornin' comes
I'll ride into town
And worry 'bout the shape I'm in

Life for me is a riverboat fantasy
Watchin' the sun go down
A rock and roll band
With a reefer in my hand
Now look at that wheel go around
C*ca*ne kisses and moonshine Misses
That's the life for me
Yes it is
I'm sailing away from my heartache
On a riverboat fantasy”

“Riverboat Fantasy” is one of my favourite songs by David Wilcox. I think it would be the perfect farewell song as you send me floating down the river!

I hear you like to sing. Me too!  Turn up the volume and enjoy!

Indian Affairs to oversee "Métis" Identity Process

mediaIndigena produced an article about how the Department of Indian Affairs is overseeing Métis identity and not consulting the Métis. long are we going to allow Indian Affairs to treat us this way? Are we going to sit through another twenty (20) year court battle? What if the court replies, "sorry Métis, too bad for you" or "ya,we agree but your rights are going to be so narrow and here they are"?  What then?

Indigenous peoples are sovereign.  Why are we allowing the federal government of Canada to tell us who we are and what our rights are?  I am a lawyer but here is some food for thought:  who is benefitting from these twenty (20) year long court battles?  The lawyers or the people? 

The status quo is not working and it is time for something to give. It is time for us to assert sovereignty and tell/show Harper what our rights are!

 Here is the link:

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cindy Blackstock - an Aboriginal female Activist

APTN recently did a newsclip on the deplorable state of child welfare services for First Nations children in Canada. Like First Nations education, child welfare services is underfunded in comparision to provincial child welfare services and the federal government refuses to address this issue. 

Cindy Blackstock, the Executive Director of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada (FNCFCS) and the National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) filed a complaint before the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT) on the child welfare issue. 

Cindy Blackstock has been fairly outspoken and critical of the federal government on this issue and the funding for her organization was cut by the federal government.  However, the lack of funding for her organization has not prevented Cindy Blackstock from continuing to advocate on behalf of First Nations children.  In fact, Cindy Blackstock continues to criticize the federal government for its refusal to address the child welfare problem according to the wishes of the people and rightfully so.  The federal government should address child welfare issues according to the wishes of First Nations people.

According to APTN, the Department of Indian Affairs (Indian Affairs) now refuses to meet with Cindy Blackstock because apparently she is a "security threat" to Indian Affairs. They even escorted her out of the Indian Affairs building in Gatineau. Indian Affairs has villanized Cindy Blackstock for advocating for the rights of First Nations children.  The Prime Minister of Canada villanizes an Aboriginal person when he or she becomes too outspoken on our issues and it is not right.  It is how they oppress Aboriginal people.

Cindy Blackstock in the APTN newsclip refers to the possibility that she may have to find another solution to the child welfare issue if the CHRT dismisses her complaint but insists that she will not give up the fight.  Kudos to Cindy Blackstock for she is a collectively-minded leader who has the best interests of our children in mind!!!  She deserves a medal for her actions.  Do not give up Cindy because our children need you!!  You will go down in the history books as a women who defended the rights of our children!!

It is First Nations people like Cindy Blackstock who create change for our people, not the elite Aboriginal leaders who sit quietly in their plush offices and do what the federal government tells them to do because they are afraid that the government will cut the funding for their organization. So what if funding is cut?  The interests of our children are at stake. Our children need people to act and advocate on their behalf.  What is more important?  A paycheck or our children?  Actions speak louder than words!!

If you are wondering why Prime Minister Harper is not supportive of Aboriginal women and refuses to address violence against Aboriginal women, Cindy Blackstock's story provides you with the answer.  Harper and Indian Affairs have to maintain their oppression over First Nations people and to do so, have to violate Aboriginal people who speak out against the status quo.  Cindy Blackstock is an Aboriginal woman and Harper is committing violence against Cindy Blackstock.  He has turned her into a "villan" for speaking out.  If he addresses violence against Aboriginal women, the federal government's actions in violating Aboriginal women will be exposed.  Harper does not want that.

It is time for the grassroots people to stand up and demand change for the better. 


Here is the link for the APTN newsclips:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Election could sidetrack First Nations education plans!?

Come on Minister you really think that First Nations people are going to fall for the line that a spring election could sidetrack YOUR First Nations education plan? 

This is YOUR First Nations education plan, not OURS.  Your First Nations education plan entails "collaboration" with one person:  the "National Chief" of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), who by the way, is paid by you for his work.  The "National Chief" has to do whatever you say, otherwise, his (not ours) organization will not receive federal funding to operate.  Don't forget:  the National Chief of the AFN does not allow First Nations people to participate in decision-making or speak at his assemblies.  So really, who are you collaborating with?

The Department of Indian Affairs IS NOT collaborating with First Nations people.  If Minister Duncan had our children's interests at heart, he would increase the funding for First Nations education by 20-40% so that OUR children will have education services that are comparable to the provincial education system.

The First Nations people on the ground have repeatedly told your Department to invest money into First Nations education according to all the reports that have already been prepared by education experts. If you are so worried about an election, invest money into First Nations education before an election is called.  This type of proactive action will ensure that our children do not suffer any longer.

It is 2011.  How long are we going to allow the Department of Indian Affairs to treat us like this?  It is time for the grassroots people to stand up for their rights.  WHO IS WATCHING OUT FOR YOU AND OUR CHILDREN?

Here is the APTN interview with the Minister of Indian Affairs, John Duncan: