Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Harper’s Token Aboriginals meet Prince William and Kate!

What did I tell you folks?  Didn’t I mention in my previous blog that the Prime Minister parades his token Aboriginals, the “National Chiefs” of the National Aboriginal Organizations (NAO’s), around at state events as a side show to foreign diplomats???

The President of the Quebec Native Women’s Association beamed with pride this afternoon when she advised the Chiefs at the AFN Annual General Assembly (AGA) in Moncton that the event with Prince William and Kate went well! 

Harper must have said to his tokens as they wiggled in anticipation:  “My children, you have done well this past year.  Thank you so much for supporting all of my assimilative policies and for helping to assimilate your people.  In return, I will allow you to meet Prince William and Kate and have your picture taken with them.” 

We all knew that National Chief Atleo of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) was a wolf in sheep’s clothing but I was shocked that he admitted it.  For the event with Prince William at the Calgary Stampede, National Chief Atleo went as himself.  He put on his cowboy outfit and played his true role in this world, which is that of “cowboy” instead of an “Indian”!!  Atleo had his picture taken with Prince William and Atleo had the biggest grin on his face!  

Harper must love the President of the Quebec Native Women’s Association (QNWA) because she appeared before the Senate Committee on Human Rights in December 2010 and supported Bill C-3, the Indian status provisions that discriminate against Aboriginal women, who married non-Aboriginal men, and their children. The President of QNWA announced to the Senate Committee that she was supporting Bill C-3 because her son was going to become a status Indian under Bill C-3!!  I was horrified that she had sold out all Aboriginal women and their children because her son was going to become a status Indian under Bill C-3. 

This same President of QNWA organized a march from Wendake, QC to Ottawa, Ontario in the summer of August 2010 in response to the federal government’s introduction of the racist Bill C-3, which still, by the way, discriminates against Aboriginal women, who married non-Aboriginal men, and their children.  She called it the “March for Amun” and Aboriginal women joined her march.   At the time I supported the march because I thought that the President of QNWA was marching for the rights of all Aboriginal women and children.  Imagine my surprise when she advised the Senate Committee on Human Rights in December 2010 that she supported Bill C-3 because her son was going to become a status Indian under it!! Talk about selling out your vulnerable constituents, our Aboriginal women.

Here is the link to the “March for Amun”: http://www.ottawaalgonquins.com/index_files/Amun%20March.pdf.

At the AFN Special Chiefs Assembly in December 2010, this same President of QNWA announced to the Chiefs that she was contributing to the AFN education fund because it would benefit her children.

Yes, Mrs. President, we get the picture.  However, your job is to advocate for the rights of all Aboriginal women, not just yourself!!


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