Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Organizations and the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry

First Nations women, especially the missing and murdered First Nations female victims of Robert Pickton, are pawns in the Aboriginal industry and we are used to benefit certain people or groups at certain times. Once our usefulness is gone, we are tossed aside as quickly as we were used to seek money from the government.  It is a sad situation that our interests are only considered when it suits the personal needs of a person or an Aboriginal organization like the Native Women’s Association of Canada and the Assembly of First Nations. 

All of the organizations, including the non-Aboriginal organizations, claiming to represent the missing and murdered First Nations female victims of Robert Pickton are screaming for public money to hire legal counsel to participate in the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry. 

Do these organizations, Aboriginal and not, really have the interests of the missing and murdered First Nations female victims of Pickton at heart?  How many of these organizations are actually going to hire First Nations female lawyers to represent the interests of the missing and murdered First Nations women at the Inquiry?  Who is the lawyer representing the families of the missing and murdered First Nations women?  Is this lawyer a First Nations female?

We, as First Nations women, have a right to know all the details about the lawyers who are representing our interests.  How many of them are actually First Nations female lawyers?

Here is the link to my previous blog on the groups who withdrew from participating in the Inquiry due to lack of funding. http://charlenedesrochers.blogspot.com/2011/08/compromise-hiring-four-lawyers-for.html.


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