Monday, June 13, 2011

Wow! Kudos to National Chief Atleo! I'm speechless...

I just listened to National Chief Atleo's interview with APTN. 

Here is the link to the newsclip:

National Chief Atleo is speaking like a leader!  He is talking about honouring our Treaty rights, First Nations jurisdiction, holding First Nations leaders accountable to their people, and moving beyond the Indian Act!!

Way to go Mr. Atleo!! 


Message for Lorne Gunter. You are wrong!

Lorne Gunter gave his political opinion about the state of First Nations affairs in the Edmonton Journal on June 12, 2011.  I am not going to comment on his article because it is the most uninformed article that I've read in awhile.

Specifically, he said, "Ottawa needs to provide more consistent funding -over three to five years, rather than year-to-year -and be clearer about performance standards and what constitutes success. Meanwhile, on-reserve politicians need to give up the fantasy that their tiny communities are nations and need to be dealt with as such.

Until reserves begin to function as municipalities, First Nations destitution will remain."

Do not listen to Lorne Gunter for he knows nothing about the state of Aboriginal affairs.  If he did, he would have advised the public that the federal government of Canada and the Indian Act is the problem, not the First Nations, and that as long as the Indian Act remains in place, there is not any amount of money or funding cycles that will reduce the poverty in our communities. 

If Lorne knew what he was talking about, he would advised you that "self-government", not municipality-type governance, is the only action that will reduce the poverty in First Nations.  The Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development studied this issue and drew that conclusion. 

It is views like Lorne Gunter's that perpetuate racism and stereotypes of First Nations people. 

Lorne, the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP) is a good starting point for you to educate yourself on Aboriginal issues.  After you read RCAP, read the Treaties because it will give you a VERY good idea about how the federal government is ignoring international treaties, which is detrimental to the interests of First Nations people, and which maintains the oppression and poverty among First Nations people. 

Here is the link to the article:


Thursday, June 9, 2011

The "National Chief" of the AFN is at it again!

APTN reports that the "Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Shawn Atleo and Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan have agreed to a plan that seems to set the stage for an historic meeting between Prime Minister Stephen Harper and First Nations chiefs." 

Here is the link:

What is so historic about the Minister of "Aboriginal" or "Indian" Affairs (whatever name the feds use) holding a meeting with his mascot, the National Chief of the AFN, and the Prime Minister?  Nothing.  The federal government will be meeting with itself through the National Chief.  The Minister of Indian Affairs uses his mascot, the National Chief, to soothe the Chiefs, on the ground, into submission and the Chiefs fall for it.  The only historic thing about this meeting will be that I actually get to watch the whole thing unfold and blog on the internet that the federal government's mascot is screwing us over yet again.

Yayyyy for the the "National Chief" can continue his reign of oppression over our people!  Let's give him a big round of applause for supporting federal policies that are detrimental to the interests of the people, ie. specific claims, Bill C-3, education, health, and tripartite agreements, etc. 

Why doesn't the National Chief try something different for a change and say the word "sovereignty"?  Come on Atleo, you can do it!  Tell yourself, "I think I can", "I think I can", and enunciate after me, "SO-VER- EIGN-TY".  It's not a bad word.  It actually sounds pretty good when it rolls off your tongue!  SO-VER-EIGN-TY.   There you go!  SOVEREIGNTY.

Oh I know, maybe Bruce Carson and former "National Chief" Phil Fontaine can co-ordinate the meeting?!  They can reignite their relationship and hire their non-Aboriginal spouses to implement Harper/Atleo's "Aboriginal" agenda and receive big bucks for their work.

Of course National Chief Atleo is praising the meeting. He will get to continue receiving a whopping $136K+ tax-free salary and never have to step foot on a reserve while the rest of us have to fight the federal government for our treaty right to tax exemption.  While Atleo continues to receive a $136K tax-free income, "his" people will continue to be unemployed and live in poverty.  If Atleo is so selfless, why doesn't he give up his income tax exemption until the rest of us get the same benefit?  Atleo's office will receive the money to co-ordinate the meeting and, in turn, will feed their friends in the Aboriginal industry while the people continue to live in poverty and remain unemployed. Same old...same old.

National Chief Atleo is encouraging us to vote in federal/provincial elections. Why doesn't he allow us to vote in the elections for National Chief????

Well Chiefs, don't say that I didn't warn you.  


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Message for Duncan and Harper - I am an "Indian" under the Indian Act!

You are not going to disenfranchise Minnie Iserhoff's family from the Indian Act in 2011 without telling us. I have a right to know the details of the protest review that the Department of Indian Affairs is undertaking pursuant to section 14 of the Indian Act regarding our right to registration as Status Indians under the Indian Act. 

I am a Cree woman and the Indian Act is a racist piece of legislation that should be repealed in its entirety and not replaced. We have acquired rights under the Indian Act that you cannot unilaterally withdraw without due process. 

I submitted an Access to Information request in March 2010 for the contents of my personal file, my mother's, Helen Iserhoff, and my deceased grandmother's file, Minnie Iserhoff, at the Department of Indian Affairs and they are not releasing that information to me.  Why are you keeping my file a secret?  Did Indian Affairs already disenfranchise me without informing me? I have a right to know that information.

My children and many of my nieces, nephews, and cousins are excluded from Bill C-3 and they have a right to be registered as Indians under the Indian Act.

My great grandfather, Samuel Iserhoff, actually signed Treaty 9 in July 1905.  You cannot say that we are not "Indians"!


Monday, June 6, 2011

A Message for Kelly McParland regarding Brigitte Depape!

Kelly McParland calls Brigitte DePape "self-interested" for being strategic and having the guts to carry a "Stop Harper" sign in the House during the Governor General's speech on Friday, June 1, 2011. Those who speak out and are different from the status quo often get labelled as "self-interested" by those people who are jealous and want the attention for themselves.

Brigitte chose to get her point across by a different path and got the message across, which is one of the goals of activisim.  So what?  It does not mean that she is self-interested. She is taking action.

Why doesn't Kelly McParland do something about her own causes and use her editorials to educate the public on important societal issues instead of trashing a 21 yr old young woman like DePape in the newspaper for taking action on her political views?!

Brigitte DePape is a fine young role model for young women! More women should follow suit!


Saturday, June 4, 2011

A Message for Bill Curry, Harper, and Obama!

APTN posted a youtube video about "Geronimo E-KIA, a poem by the 1491s".

Watch it and learn.  Geronimo and Indigenous leaders or activists are not terrorists or disobedient!  We are sovereign nations who have rights as sovereigns, just like Canada and the U.S.

What an excellent video!


Friday, June 3, 2011

Indian Affairs's letter regarding my registration as a Status Indian

Someone posted a question on my previous blog regarding Harper's vindictiveness and retaliation against me for speaking out against his discriminatory policies.  She asked me, "Why is it just the women that you are so focused on? What about your male family members who are also being discriminated against? Also, how do you know that it is actually Harper who is specifically coming after you? Do you have any proof that you and your families registration is being reviewed because of your outspokenness and that INAC is being spiteful directly towards you?"

This is a copy of the letter dated April 20, 2011 that Indian Affairs sent to a non-status Indian who applied for registration as a Status Indian: 


This is to inform you that a member of your family has submitted a protest under section 14 of the Indian Act regarding the members of the family of Minnie Iserhoff and their descendants.  We are in the process of determining the right to registration of this family.

Once the protest review is completed, I will be in a position to process your application.

Yours Sincerely
Allan Tallman
Indian Registrar

Allan Tallman signed the letter and I have a hard copy of this letter in my hands as I blog.  I am Minnie Iserhoff's grand-daughter and I am a Status Indian as are many of my cousins, and Mr. Allan Tallman did not notify any of Minnie's descendants that their right to status was being re-determined.  When were they going to tell me that this review was taking place? Why is Indian Affairs keeping this protest a secret?  I have a right to this information.

The letter is dated April 20, 2011.   Indian Affairs cannot use the excuse that they were too busy to tell us about the protest when they took the time on April 20, 2011 to notify a non-status Indian.  Surely, Indian Affairs could have performed a quick search of Minnie's file and notified us. In the federal government, a letter that goes out to the public is sent up and down the system for a review a few times before it is approved.

Indian Affairs has stated publically that they will not take away anyone's status as an "Indian" under the Indian Act.  Why are they reviewing my file in secret????

Read my blogs.  I have been criticizing Harper and Indian Affairs as well as the National Aboriginal Organizations on many of their actions and policies.  Form your own opinion as to the reason why Indian Affairs chose to not inform me that they were reviewing my registration as a Status Indian.

Why are the protest provisions in section 14 of the Indian Act still in place when non-Aboriginal women who acquired status through marriage to an "Indian" are protected?  Section 14 is discriminatory and should be repealed. It allows Indian Affairs to pick and choose the Aboriginal women and their children that they will disenfranchise or demote.  Section 14 allows vindictive Aboriginal people to retaliate against Aboriginal people who are outspoken and perpetuates the community in-fighting that is common place in our communities.

I am focusing on discrimination towards Aboriginal women because the Indian status rules in the Indian Act are designed to discriminate against Aboriginal women who married non-Aboriginal men and their children.  So when I say Aboriginal women, it includes Aboriginal men who are the children of these women.


My latest role model! 21 yr old Page was fired for protesting against Harper!

I love this 21 yr old girl!!!  Stevie Boy is reaping what he is sowing!

According to CBC News, Brigitte Marcelle, a recent University of Ottawa graduate, carried a sign reading "Stop Harper" and walked out in front of Gov. Gen. David Johnston as he read the speech Friday afternoon.  She was escorted from the House and fired from her job as a Page.

Brigitte said, "This country needs a Canadian version of an Arab Spring, a flowering of popular movements that demonstrate that real power to change things lies not with Harper but in the hands of the people, when we act together in our streets, neighbourhoods and workplaces."

We need our young Indigenous women to follow her lead!  Come on ladies...let's rise and put Stevie in his rightful place.  We have a right to equality and we are not equal.  Harper is "trying" to shut down Indigenous women.  Let's show him who the "BOSS" really!


Stevie dislikes me and has vengefully retaliated

Harper does not like Indigenous female activists who seek equality and speak out against the racist and discriminatory policies of the Department of Indian Affairs (“INAC”).  In case you haven’t noticed, I have been fairly outspoken on the discriminatory and dysfunctional Department of Indian Affairs and the Indian Act! 

INAC is the most incompetent federal Department of them all and inside, it is extremely dysfunctional.  It is all about building personal empires and climbing the ranks in the public service, hence the waste and inappropriate use of resources and our tax dollars.

Harper has retaliated against me by trying to disenfranchise me and my family (a huge family) from the Indian Act.  In other words, he has a team that is in the process of “determining our right to registration” as “Status Indians” under the Indian Act. Harper is looking for a way to tell me that I am no longer an “Indian” and therefore, must assimilate into mainstream society.

Harper is likely planning to tell me by letter that I am no longer an “Indian” as a form of punishment for challenging his discriminatory policies and not behaving like a “good little Indian”, i.e. do not “criticize” anyone, including your own leaders, and be quiet. 

The best part of this issue is that Harper DID NOT even notify me that he was in the “process of determining” my right to registration as a “status Indian”!!  I only discovered this action yesterday because I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.  Someone made a comment on Facebook and I looked into it.  Imagine my surprise???  Wow...the man upstairs was definitely looking out for me!!

Harper is investigating my deceased grandmother, Minnie Iserhoff, and her descendants, which includes me and many of my aunts and cousins who have acquired rights under the Indian Act.  Minnie Iserhoff (nee Solomon) is a full-blooded Cree woman as was her husband, my grandfather, David Iserhoff.  My mother is full-blooded Cree as well.  Blood quantum should not be used as a factor to determine “Indianness” but I am trying to make a point.  You can’t get anymore “Indian” than 100% blood quantum!

Minnie was left off the Indian Registry in 1951 because she married David.  David was left off the Indian Registry in 1951 because his father, Samuel Iserhoff, gave up his family’s right to treaty in the early 1900’s when David was a minor child and also because David was a veteran in World War I.  In 1985, Minnie was reinstated under Bill C-31 as a s.6(1)(c) Indian and in 2000, David was reinstated as a s.6(1)(d) Indian and I was reinstated as s.6(2) Indian. My children are non-status.  My mother is a s.6(1)(f) Status Indian and she was reinstated in 1985. 

The Indian Act registration rules are very complex and INAC uses this complexity to its advantage to deny Aboriginal women the right to be a “status Indian” under the Indian Act.  One of the discriminatory parts of this issue is that while INAC is investigating and trying to disenfranchise me and my family from the Indian Act in 2011, they are protecting the rights of non-Aboriginal women who acquired Indian Status through marriage to an “Indian”. There is no process in the Indian Act to disenfranchise non-Aboriginal women who married “Indians”!  Why are we, as Aboriginal women, capable of being disenfranchised in 2011and not the non-Aboriginal women?  This is the thanks that my grandfather received from Canada for serving Canada in World War I.  “You are no longer Indian”.

I am going to challenge this process because it is discriminatory towards Aboriginal women!!  Aboriginal women have rights to equality and retaliation or not, I will never back down from Harper or anyone on this issue. 

To all the descendants of Minnie and David Iserhoff, please notify me immediately if you have received any letters from Indian Affairs advising you that your right to be a “Status Indian” under the Indian Act has been taken away or is in the process of being reviewed.  My email address is 

Once again, in December 2010, the “National Chiefs” of the Native Women’s Association of Canada, the Assembly of First Nations, and the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples did not consult the people and sold out all Aboriginal women and their children, in exchange for money, by supporting the discriminatory amendments to the Indian Status registration rules in Bill C-3. Real leaders advocate for the rights of their people, not the federal government and themselves.   


Thursday, June 2, 2011

My latest Role Model - Jenni Williams from Zimbabwe!

I have a message for all Indigenous women (Inuit, First Nations and Métis) in Canada, watch this APTN newsclip about Jenni Williams, an activist from Zimbabwe, and let's copy her!  I am!!  Here is the link:

According to APTN, Jenni Williams "never backs down from a fight, even against Zimbabwe dictator Robert Mugabe" and "she has been jailed nearly 40 times, yet she continues her quest for equality."  

Come on ladies...let's take (and not ask for) our rightful place as leaders in the community!  You have a right to equality. 

Kudos to APTN for the great newsclip!