Thursday, June 9, 2011

The "National Chief" of the AFN is at it again!

APTN reports that the "Assembly of First Nations (AFN) National Chief Shawn Atleo and Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan have agreed to a plan that seems to set the stage for an historic meeting between Prime Minister Stephen Harper and First Nations chiefs." 

Here is the link:

What is so historic about the Minister of "Aboriginal" or "Indian" Affairs (whatever name the feds use) holding a meeting with his mascot, the National Chief of the AFN, and the Prime Minister?  Nothing.  The federal government will be meeting with itself through the National Chief.  The Minister of Indian Affairs uses his mascot, the National Chief, to soothe the Chiefs, on the ground, into submission and the Chiefs fall for it.  The only historic thing about this meeting will be that I actually get to watch the whole thing unfold and blog on the internet that the federal government's mascot is screwing us over yet again.

Yayyyy for the the "National Chief" can continue his reign of oppression over our people!  Let's give him a big round of applause for supporting federal policies that are detrimental to the interests of the people, ie. specific claims, Bill C-3, education, health, and tripartite agreements, etc. 

Why doesn't the National Chief try something different for a change and say the word "sovereignty"?  Come on Atleo, you can do it!  Tell yourself, "I think I can", "I think I can", and enunciate after me, "SO-VER- EIGN-TY".  It's not a bad word.  It actually sounds pretty good when it rolls off your tongue!  SO-VER-EIGN-TY.   There you go!  SOVEREIGNTY.

Oh I know, maybe Bruce Carson and former "National Chief" Phil Fontaine can co-ordinate the meeting?!  They can reignite their relationship and hire their non-Aboriginal spouses to implement Harper/Atleo's "Aboriginal" agenda and receive big bucks for their work.

Of course National Chief Atleo is praising the meeting. He will get to continue receiving a whopping $136K+ tax-free salary and never have to step foot on a reserve while the rest of us have to fight the federal government for our treaty right to tax exemption.  While Atleo continues to receive a $136K tax-free income, "his" people will continue to be unemployed and live in poverty.  If Atleo is so selfless, why doesn't he give up his income tax exemption until the rest of us get the same benefit?  Atleo's office will receive the money to co-ordinate the meeting and, in turn, will feed their friends in the Aboriginal industry while the people continue to live in poverty and remain unemployed. Same old...same old.

National Chief Atleo is encouraging us to vote in federal/provincial elections. Why doesn't he allow us to vote in the elections for National Chief????

Well Chiefs, don't say that I didn't warn you.  


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