Friday, June 3, 2011

Indian Affairs's letter regarding my registration as a Status Indian

Someone posted a question on my previous blog regarding Harper's vindictiveness and retaliation against me for speaking out against his discriminatory policies.  She asked me, "Why is it just the women that you are so focused on? What about your male family members who are also being discriminated against? Also, how do you know that it is actually Harper who is specifically coming after you? Do you have any proof that you and your families registration is being reviewed because of your outspokenness and that INAC is being spiteful directly towards you?"

This is a copy of the letter dated April 20, 2011 that Indian Affairs sent to a non-status Indian who applied for registration as a Status Indian: 


This is to inform you that a member of your family has submitted a protest under section 14 of the Indian Act regarding the members of the family of Minnie Iserhoff and their descendants.  We are in the process of determining the right to registration of this family.

Once the protest review is completed, I will be in a position to process your application.

Yours Sincerely
Allan Tallman
Indian Registrar

Allan Tallman signed the letter and I have a hard copy of this letter in my hands as I blog.  I am Minnie Iserhoff's grand-daughter and I am a Status Indian as are many of my cousins, and Mr. Allan Tallman did not notify any of Minnie's descendants that their right to status was being re-determined.  When were they going to tell me that this review was taking place? Why is Indian Affairs keeping this protest a secret?  I have a right to this information.

The letter is dated April 20, 2011.   Indian Affairs cannot use the excuse that they were too busy to tell us about the protest when they took the time on April 20, 2011 to notify a non-status Indian.  Surely, Indian Affairs could have performed a quick search of Minnie's file and notified us. In the federal government, a letter that goes out to the public is sent up and down the system for a review a few times before it is approved.

Indian Affairs has stated publically that they will not take away anyone's status as an "Indian" under the Indian Act.  Why are they reviewing my file in secret????

Read my blogs.  I have been criticizing Harper and Indian Affairs as well as the National Aboriginal Organizations on many of their actions and policies.  Form your own opinion as to the reason why Indian Affairs chose to not inform me that they were reviewing my registration as a Status Indian.

Why are the protest provisions in section 14 of the Indian Act still in place when non-Aboriginal women who acquired status through marriage to an "Indian" are protected?  Section 14 is discriminatory and should be repealed. It allows Indian Affairs to pick and choose the Aboriginal women and their children that they will disenfranchise or demote.  Section 14 allows vindictive Aboriginal people to retaliate against Aboriginal people who are outspoken and perpetuates the community in-fighting that is common place in our communities.

I am focusing on discrimination towards Aboriginal women because the Indian status rules in the Indian Act are designed to discriminate against Aboriginal women who married non-Aboriginal men and their children.  So when I say Aboriginal women, it includes Aboriginal men who are the children of these women.


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