Monday, January 17, 2011

Stars align for aboriginal education - Winnipeg Free Press

Stars align for aboriginal education - Winnipeg Free Press

Give me a break.  Does the Minister of Indian Affairs, John Duncan, and his sidekick, the "National Chief" of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) expect us to believe that the two of them are actually serious about the education of our people? 

An expert panel on education is not going to tell us anything that we have not heard already.  The only people who will benefit from your expert panel will be the experts sitting on it and the Office of the National Chief.  Same old, Same old.  Do us a favour.  Just write the check and give it to the expert panel and the Office of the National Chief right now. Get your farce over and done with so we can move onto the next one that comes out of your Department.

Why do not you both prove me wrong?  Put your money where your mouth is and actually do something for a change!!

Duncan, let us see you actually invest money into First Nations education instead of parading around the country like you care. 

National Chief Atleo, do not be a hypocrite and show us, for once, that you can actually take a position and stand by it. In spring 2010, you publically denounced Bill C-3, an Act to remedy gender inequity in the Indian Act, the "status" provisions, and in the fall of 2010, you turned your back on all Aboriginal women and supported Bill C-3 without asking any of us what we wanted.  Let us remind you that your job is to represent First Nations people, not the federal government!

National Chief Atleo, do not follow in the footsteps of your predecessor.  I know you have the ability to lead.  Show the world how a REAL National Chief advocates for his people.

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