Friday, January 14, 2011

What the wikileaks says about the Minister and Indians (funny but not true)

The Minister of Indian Affairs, John Duncan, likes to think he has "control" over his "Indians".  He does not! We have a right to speak under section 2 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms people.  We can poke fun at him, a politician, especially when he unilaterally makes decisions on our behalf.   

Minister Duncan was so bothered that "Indians" were making fun of him and his department through a blog called, "What the wikileaks says about the Minister and Indians" that he requested it be taken down.  The Regina LeaderPost and First Perspective complied with his request.

I scanned a copy of the First Perspective article and it is also on the APTN website at the following link:

Enjoy the blog. It is funny but not true.  It is meant to be satire.  Smarten up Duncan and invest in First Nations communities so that they can rebuild their communities after your Department's attempts,which are ongoing today, to destroy us. Colonization is not over people. It is still ongoing.

Written by Administrator   
Friday, 07 January 2011 09:44
By Obidiah - Investigative Reporter

Thanks to the Wikileaks by that fellow, Julian Assange, First Nations of Canada can now glimpse the workings of the Minister's mind and find out what the department is really up to. The data was found in the bottom of the digital pile, as it were, and your intrepid journalist, went right to work on it and I have this report for you.

John Duncan keeps a diary! Yes. He likes his job as a parliamentarian. But he'd just rather not be in charge of "Indians". He can't imagine a worse fate than being a white man whose full time job is to have human feelings and thoughts but be constantly on guard against blurting them out at the most inopportune time. The following entries reveal some of the trials and tribulations which the Minister must endure as the travels from meeting to meet ing ministering to his charges throughout the far flung regions of Canada.

1. Aug. 9, 2010 [The day after Stephen Harper appoints him Minister of Indian Affairs.]
"Thirteen years in parliament and this is what I get? In charge of Indians? Jeepers Creepers!
It was bad enough being secretary under Strahl, now I gotta suck up to all those chiefs...Some of whom make a hell of lot more than I'm gonna make on this job..."
2. Sept. 10, 2010
"The annual pow wow at Black Sun Dog is coming up. I really don't look forward to sitting cross legged for an hour. And that passing the pipe thing, And I'm always the last to smoke it. In this day, should we be encouraging that?"
3. Sept. 30, 2010
"Sometimes I wish we could cut out the praying and just get down to business? Guys?"
4. Oct. 1, 2010
"On the other hand, there's a lot to be said - and appreciated - in the arts and ceremonials of our First Nations people. I especially like the smoke salmon, the masks, and the moccasins."
5. Oct.. 15, 2010
"The raw clam I had on the marina at was bad enough! This week I'm invited to Chisasibi where I hear the delicacy is fish guts soup! God help me and my liver."
6. Oct. 18, 2010
"I must make sure I send a gift of tobacco to that grand chief in Manitoba before going to their assembly. He thinks volume and belligerence in diplomacy substitutes well for reason. Not that reason is all that relevant to the Department...The Department. I have my work cut out."
7. Nov. 1, 2010
"To think that these people survived the prairie winters in Tipis. Now we have a housing crisis, lack of drinking water and no infrastructure on many reserves. And I'm supposed to have the answers."
8. Nov. 10, 2010
"Chretien and Trudeau had it right in the 69 white paper. The only hope for them is assimilation into the mainstream culture. And the gradual decline of numbers residing on reserves. I mean, what hope is there for a community on the Hudson Bay? With not even a road in? And polar bears! These communities have to be encouraged to migrate to centres that are their only hope for a better future. If only the Supreme court judges could be educated on the big picture and get it right!
9. Dec. 13, 2010
La Barriere Lake. What was I to do? I was damned if I did and damned if I didn't. Well, at least it's a change. There's always the option of another change in the future if these people can't work it out. That's why I'm here after all. I AM the Minister. Difficult decisions must be made. Churchill made difficult decisions. Come to think of it, Chretien was a Minister of Indians and he climbed to the top. All may not be lost yet..."
10. Dec. 15, 2010
"But I agree the strategy should be increasing avenues for municipal status through tax reforms, and funding arrangements that are geared to Departmental goals of limited "self-government" based on principles of "accountability and transparency". We can achieve all of this administratively, without the need for high profile amendments and consultations which are likely to be stir up allegations of `colonialism` etc..``

Well, there you go folks. You heard it all here first.

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